‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ Episodes 7 & 8: Recap & Ending Explained – Was Ma Chun Seok’s Innocence Proved?


In “Divorce Attorney Shin” Episode 6, when Shin Sung Han comes to know that the last person to call his sister right before she was hit by a truck was Jin Yeong Ju. At the beginning of Episode 7, he goes to meet Yu Seok after getting all suited up for the first time in 7 years. His singular purpose in wanting to meet Yu Seok was to irritate the man since he despised him so much. After passing on a few insults of his choice, he gets to the point where he returns the card sent by Yeong Ju through Ma Chun Seok and asks Yu Seok to tell her “Nice Timing” and the number “1225”. When Yu Seok relays this to Yeong Ju, she is momentarily confused and shaken up. We are assuming that she must have heard about that accident if she had been on the phone with Ju Hwa when she died. It is possible that she blamed herself, and if not, she at least had to convince herself that it wasn’t her fault. We agree that Ju Hwa’s death couldn’t have been deliberately planned, but Yeong Ju’s actions to distance Gi Yeong from his uncle have been despicable.

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Why Does Sung Han Take Up The Ma Chun Seok Case?

In a different scene, we see Sung Han speaking with Ma Geum Hee, and she tells him that Yeong Ju was indeed in Hawaii when Ju Hwa passed away. The reason Ju Hwa’s death has affected Sung Han the way it has is that he blames himself in part for it. When Ju Hwa was pressured by their father to get married, she asked Sung Han to speak on her behalf and say that she did not want to marry then. But Sung Han had chosen to stay away from the matter and told his sister that she was a grown woman who should handle her affairs herself. While it cannot be said that Sung Han was responsible for what happened to Ju Hwa, when a person dies, it is hard to make sense of the feelings of guilt, grief, and anger, and Sung Han is still reeling from it all. Something similar happens to Lee Seo Jin when she follows up on a client consultation with Jo Min Jeong and learns that she is in the hospital after she overdosed on pills.

A distraught Seo Jin immediately rushes to the hospital with Choi Jun. When she reaches the hospital, she meets Min Jeong’s parents and finds that while her dad is still on the fence about his daughter’s desire for a divorce, her mother is completely against it. Jo Min Jeong has been suffering from schizophrenia, and though it was getting better, it got worse after she married her husband and found him cheating. Her husband, Hyeon Tae, reaches the hospital and is in tears, saying that he would have taken care of his wife. This triggers Seo Jin, and she remembers similar elaborate performances staged by her husband when she was still in an abusive relationship with him. On a hunch, she asks Choi Jun to keep an eye on Hyeon Tae, and they discover that after bawling his eyes out in front of his wife’s parents, he is now giggling while watching a variety show. With the recent developments, Seo Jin still has So Yeon, who tells her that if she can’t figure out why it is her fault for things going wrong in an event unrelated to her, maybe she shouldn’t feel guilty.

Meanwhile, Ma Geum Hee is shuffling between houses, and she is choosing to stay at a hotel instead of with her family. Her husband tells her to move back in with him, but she wants to go back to Hawaii, which she will soon do. As for Shin Sung Han, he can tell that all is not what it seems in the case of Ma Chun Seok vs. Dinh Thi Hoa. Chun Seok has been accused of marrying a Vietnamese woman and then abusing her by bringing her back to Korea. But he claims that he never did such a thing, and even Sung Han does not believe that he hurt his wife, as the logistics of it are not possible. But Yeong Ju wants to use this case to make sure that Gi Yeong never sees Sung Han again, which means that he does not have any option except to fight it out. He tells Ma Chun Seok that he will fight his case and that things are going to get messy.

The Start Of The Ma Chun Seok Case

With the help of Seo Jin’s friend, Ho Yong, Sung Han gives an interview where he mentions taking on a new case. While he doesn’t explicitly reveal the case, the listeners guess it easily enough. Since the basis for the radio interview was Sung Han’s popularity from his video playing the piano, the backlash wasn’t that instant. As Sung Han uses this platform to make it known that there is another side to things, Seo Jin contemplates going back to her job. But she makes it clear that she will only take her old slot and not the late-night one. Though she says that it is because she needs someone to take care of her son, we think that there is another angle to it. Taking on another slot might look like she’s laying low or accepting defeat. But if she comes back to her previous slot itself, it will be with her head held high while sending a message that she is not guilty or sorry for anything, which is a truly empowering move.

Jo Min Jeong’s Case

Jo Min Jeong has schizophrenia, and she was being treated for it when she met her husband. Her condition was improving, and her husband, then boyfriend, did not seem bothered by her symptoms. Since she had trained to be a barista, her parents opened a cafe for her, and she was in charge of it, as Hyeon Tae supposedly did not know about her condition, and she was fine. But during a meeting with Hyeon Tae’s niece, Min Jeong thinks that the little girl threw a knife at her. That is when it was revealed that the girl wasn’t Hyeon Tae’s niece but his daughter, and supposedly, that is when Min Jeong’s schizophrenia came to light. While Hyeon Tae was supportive, Seo Jin believes that he knew of Min Jeong’s schizophrenia right from the beginning and had been playing with her all along.

‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ Episode 8: Ending Explained – Was Ma Chun Seok’s Innocence Proved?

There are two different versions of the story being presented by this estranged couple. Dinh Thi Hao claims that Ma Chun Seok got abusive when she told him that she wanted a divorce. The neighbors had come to take her away, and she returned the next day for her baby. Ma Chun Seok claims a different story. He says that he never hit her, but he did break things in anger. Sung Han points out that what he did still counts as emotional abuse, but Chun Seok claims that it was the result of long-repressed feelings needing an outlet. We will withhold our opinion until the next episode of “Divorce Attorney Shin.”

Meanwhile, Hyeong Geun and Jeong Sik go on a road trip to investigate the Chun Seok case in his hometown. Turns out, Jeong Sik has always harbored some guilt towards Sung Han, as it was he who recommended Yu Seok to him. In his rage, he drives the entire trip without taking a break. On the day of the much-publicized case, Sung Han asks Dinh Thi Hao just one question: whether her son’s father is Ma Chun Seok? The episode closes with him requesting a paternity test. In a flashback, we see Thi Hao telling Yu Seok that she can’t find her son’s real father, and Yu Seok tells her that he will find him and make sure he stays in Vietnam. Elsewhere, Chun Seok was worried about how his mother would be affected by the truth about her grandson. Evidently, he caves in and allows Sung Han to bring it up in court. The next episode will tell us how it all goes down.

Final Thoughts

The coming episodes of “Divorce Attorney Shin” are going to see the development of Chun Seok’s and Min Jeong’s cases. We also want a better read on Geum Hee and Yeong Ju. Something about their stories feels incomplete. Finally, Jeong Sik has shown some unexpected depth, and we want to see that better explored. The series has picked up an unexpected pace, and the coming plots are going to be exciting.

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Divya Malladi
Divya Malladi
Divya spends way more time on Netflix and regrets most of what she watches. Hence she has too many opinions that she tries to put to productive spin through her writings. Her New Year resolution is to know that her opinions are validated.

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