‘The Power’ Episode 3: Recap & Ending, Explained: Does The World Discover The Cause Of The Power?


While “The Power” Episode 1 and Episode 2 were mostly about the set-up where the women were discovering their power. Episode 3 gave us a glimpse of why the reversal of the roles might be necessary and the cruel insensitivity that women are continuously subjected to at the hands of men. This is how it is shown in “The Power” Episode 3.

Spoilers Ahead 


The selfishness of men is inherent to their nature; it is part of what makes a man, and Tunde is a classic example of it. He has never wanted to pursue business studies and instead be a journalist. But his ethics extend only as far as they serve his needs, without regard to anyone else. When he gets a call from CNN telling him that they want to buy his video and employ his services for more such material, he is ecstatic and cannot stop himself from going to meet Ndudi to speak with her. Ndudi rightfully calls him out when she says that he has done nothing of his own. It was her story that had brought him to the abandoned house; it was his folly that had injured Ndudi, and he had put up that video on the internet without her permission. And after all this exploitation of her, he wanted her advice as to what his next move should be. Where do men get the entitlement to seek comfort and guidance from the very women they seek to undermine at every step of the way? Ndudi turns him away by saying that it is not her problem and that he doesn’t know what he should do. But that night, Tunde decides to take up CNNs offer by going against his father. He is going to document the story of women and their power across the country and possibly the world.


As Allie is lying unconscious on the side of the road, a woman driving by rescues her and takes her to the Sisters of Christ Convent. When Allie recovers, she tells her sister that her name is Eve, and we will also be calling her that henceforth. Sister Maria tells her that they have lately been picking up girls like her to shelter them—girls, who have nowhere to go. Eve discovers what this means soon enough when she sees the news about the electric girls. Finally, Eve understands that there are others like her, but that doesn’t make her happy as she is not special anymore. But the voice in her head tells her that she is not like the rest.

Sister Veronica, in the convent, tells the girls to avoid using their electricity, and feeling like she won’t be able to be free, Eve wants to leave that day. Another purpose of this is to avoid a paper trail of identification. But just as she is about to leave and is looking for things she can take with her, Sister Maria tells her that she won’t find anything. She tells her how Sister Veronica fought to create a safe space for the outcasts, and the only reason she is against electricity usage is that she believes that the change will have consequences. Hearing this, the voice in Eve’s head tells her that she has finally found her place in the world.

Jocelyn and Margot

When we saw the plane crash in “The Power” Episode 2, we assumed that it had something to do with Roxy. However, it was due to a 12-year-old girl on the plane, Makaela. Margot has to jump through some hoops to be able to speak with her, but she finds that the power of the girls is transferable, as Makaela did to the flight attendant. But before she can address it, she has to deal with an issue at Jocelyn’s school.

In Jocelyn’s school, the authorities were bringing together the girls with the power and keeping them in separate makeshift cabins, with their hands in gloves and zip tied together. When Margot and Rob get there, they make sure that the girls go home immediately. Back at their own house, they ask Jocelyn to show them the extent of her power, and she tells them that she is not as strong as the rest. Yet she manages to set a newspaper on fire.

Margot is worried about what will happen if the news of this gets out. Meanwhile, Jocelyn accidentally hurts her brother when fighting with him for the remote. He is rushed to the hospital, and thankfully, it is found that his eye is okay, but his scars will remain. As guilty as Jocelyn is feeling, she is still snarky towards her mother and believes that Margot doesn’t care about her. That day was the most time the mother and daughter had spent together in the entire year. Margot apologizes and assures her daughter that she loves her, but it is still an uphill battle for their relationship.

‘The Power’ Episode 3 Ending Explained: Does The World Discover The Cause Of The Power?

Since they are in the hospital, Rob gets an MRI scan done on Jocelyn, and though the machine malfunctions, they get the required scans. They find that the source of the power is not in the hands but around the collarbone, where a new organ is visible now. The purpose of this organ is solely the production of electricity, and the doctors hypothesize that this evolution could be a survival tactic. When Margot tries to convince Daniel that they should make this public so that the women are aware of what is going on with their bodies, he couldn’t care less because it would interfere with his fundraising plans for his campaign. Margot has had it with Daniel and tells him that she is going to do things her way now.

The next day, as she prepares for her press conference, she goes through the world leaders (all men), claiming that the girls with the powers are all a hoax. But Margot is determined, and she makes her way in front of the reporters and tells them everything she knows about the presence of a new organ and its relevance to electric power in girls. She is honest in saying that they don’t know how it originated or how long it will last, but it is there, and everyone must be aware of it. This starts a chain reaction, and all the politicians who had initially denied the power now accept it and are willing to discuss how to curtail it if and when required. A few teenage girls with power are bringing the leaders of the world down on their knees.

Final Thoughts

“The Power” Episode 3 rightfully pointed out the callousness of men towards women’s health and their bodies when it does not serve any purpose for them. Right from Tunde, who still couldn’t do the right thing after Ndudi’s outburst, to Daniel, who did not care what happened to the girls as long as he got his money and kept his position secure, all the while looking down on Margot, who was doing the actual work. Even the other politicians, who claimed that it was nothing, reflected on how the first instinct of the world must have been to restrict and persecute the girls rather than try and find out what was going on. This is a treatment that women are familiar with, where anything “inconvenient” related to them is just silenced rather than properly understood and dealt with. Good for Margot that she took a stand, but she has bruised quite a few egos with her actions, and there is nobody more calloused and destructive than a man with an ego to defend.

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Divya Malladi
Divya Malladi
Divya spends way more time on Netflix and regrets most of what she watches. Hence she has too many opinions that she tries to put to productive spin through her writings. Her New Year resolution is to know that her opinions are validated.

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